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Tots Toes

This class covers all the basics of dance - with added imagination!

30 min
22.50 British pounds
Tappy Toes@ Musicale, Sun Lane, Harpenden AL5 4GJ|Tappy Toes@ Christ Church, 3 High Oaks, St Albans AL3 6DJ

Service Description

TOTS TOES 2.5 TO 5 YEARS From just over 2.5 years, your child can join our Tots Toes class. This class covers all the basics of dance, but also has a fantastic imagination section to help their creativity flourish, We encourage the children to share their ideas with us, which helps develop their communication and vocabulary skills, as well as their coordination and motor skills. This class is booked as a 3 week trial costing £22.50, which enables you to attend 3 x 30 minute sessions.

Upcoming Sessions

Contact Details

  • Musicale, Sun Lane, Harpenden, UK

  • Christ Church, 3 High Oaks, St Albans, UK

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